May 2, 2021
Fighting COVID 19
If there is one thing and one thing only that we want to bring your attention to this week, then that will be to the ongoing massive wave of COVID-19.
Where India Is
Despite all odds, India has come together to fight this "once in a century" crisis.
The second wave seems deadlier and more widespread than what we had seen a year ago. Coupled with a crippling health infrastructure, shortage of oxygen and unavailability of vaccines, infected patients and their families are hard-pressed to find quality care.
There is maybe, however, a silver lining beyond this abyss of death and despair.
The 'aam-aadmi' has mobilised resources for critical care - helping out seemingly unknown strangers. International support has started pouring in in the form of oxygen concentrators, life-saving equipment and raw materials for vaccines.
The night is the darkest before dawn.
How I am Thinking
I have never felt or seen anything like what an Indian is going through today
Relatives/friends struggling for treatment. Systems collapsing. Near and dear breaking down. Hardships everywhere. Relentless bad news
If there ever was a large scale war, I think it is now
It is tough to process the emotions of anger, disappointment, helplessness I am feeling. This war could have been avoided. An invisible pathogen wreaking havoc in the lives of people with no fault of theirs. While the world recovers, I see a humanitarian crisis
But as I felt these emotions, I realized I am not alone, we are not alone
Frontline workers are going in overdrive to help fellow citizens. Everyday people are collecting resources to help those in need. Folks of every faith and class are helping each other selflessly. So many people are becoming soldiers in this war, risking their lives for others
If there ever was a shining example of humanity, I think it is now
How AJVC is Helping
2 weeks ago, we had planned to write our story.
Cases surged. The nation struggled. Half of the AJVC team tended to COVID. People all around are breaking down, emotionally, physically and mentally.
We decided not to release our flagship story this fortnight. We have updated scheduled products like concepts, the podcast, SEA and a special essay on health to continue assisting the community.
In the startup ecosystem, everyone is helping.
Zomato has targeted 50 Cr for Feeding India. PayTm has raised money to get oxygen cylinders. Pharmeasy is using its network to help vaccinations. Zerodha is setting up hospitals and an ambulance network. ACT Grants has been setup to help in this fight.
Systems have failed, but support has come in from all quarters. We have created crowdsourced resources for our community, as we all do this together. We have also started a channel on our community for fighting COVID.
Please help us in this fight as we pull together resources. These include ICUs, oxygen, plasma and job opportunities.
Our Resources
You can access and contribute to our resources here.
I have donated to help with the fight. We at AJVC have created a channel solely dedicated to COVID resources. Stay home, wear a mask, help people. Small drops make an ocean
Together, we will overcome.