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Inside Zerodha’s Money Making Machine

Last week, fintech company Zerodha invested ~INR 2.5 Cr in options trading company Sensibull.

Since its inception 8 years ago, Zerodha has been an intriguing watch.

The company operates as a “discount brokerage”, a stockbroker that takes very low commissions from trades its executes. The evocative nature of its name, of its close to zero fees, has also made it a target for brokers entrenched in the market.

Brokers have historically been trusted investment advisors for retail investors, who tend to be unsophisticated. These brokers provided advice over and above trading on behalf of their clients and hence took fairly sizable fees.

The advent of technology has resulted in algorithms doing trading, advice and stock picking, which subsequently hammered fees. Commission rates have dropped from 1.2% in the 80s to ~0.1% today. This has resulted in a field day for discount brokers, like Zerodha.

Zerodha, though, is going after a bigger game.

India is an emerging market and has one of the lowest retail investor participation in the world, standing at 4.45%. The US, in contrast, has almost 50% participation.

In India, the definition of retail participants are those whose investment in a year is less than $3K. There is thus huge headroom for growth, and therefore customer acquisition.

Retail participants in India are estimated to do a daily turnover of ~$1.5Bn. Assuming the $3K number is correct, the ~50MM retail investors have a wealth of $150Bn invested that gets turned once every 100 days ($150Bn/$1.5Bn).

India’s growing per capita income and retail participation would be a double booster for this market. This, of course, is a fairly rosy picture. The SEBI has been for years trying to increase retail participation and is looking at an 8% participation in the next few years.

As a VC would say, SEBI has a customer acquisition problem, and needs a few startups to solve it.

Brokers, at their small scale, have had a hard time acquiring customers. This is because relationships between the brokers and their clients are built offline.

With the advent of the internet, trading (and traders) began to move online, while the relationship still remained offline. What do we think happens to an industry stuck in an older business model, fragmented but still large?

It gets “disrupted”.

Bringing the advantage of technology to trading, and the internet to acquire customers, Zerodha set out to build an internet first trading platform.

The CEO of the company says, tellingly “my initial customers were initially online, and the pricing model grew out of this“.

With no requirement to have a live broker, to execute trades or give advice, the company has literally no cost to execute a trade. This allows lowering the price per trade and, importantly, make pure margin per trade.

Taking a leaf out of e-commerce’s “deep discounting”, Zerodha thus lowered fees to a flat INR 20 per trade, instead of commission percentages.

This incentivized higher volume through Zerodha. Brokerage firms with fixed costs (i.e. broker salaries) per trade felt the heat, and many would have shut down in the process.

According to the company, Zerodha now does roughly $2Bn of daily trading through its platform and has close to a ~1MM users. Assuming 50% of users actively trade every day, you have 500K active users doing $2Bn of trades.

That is $4K per day, much higher than the retail investor daily trade volume. This indicates that the kind of investors on the platform are largely sophisticated, and not only retail.

The company now claims it is the 3rd largest brokerage, doing 2MM trades a day.

This implies, on average, an active user does 4 trades a day. It disclosed it was doing 200 Cr ($30MM) of revenue last year, and assuming 80% of the 2MM trades are at INR 20, the company is likely at an annual run rate of 2*0.8*20*240 = 770 Cr ($110MM), an almost 5x jump in revenue. That can also be seen in its active user growth, which has gone up 5x as well.

We are now starting to get a sense of what kind of machine Zerodha is.

How do we understand unit economics and customer payback? In FY 2017, it did profits of 120Cr (net profit % of ~50%), and one would guess it maintains the same profit margin going forward.

If Zerodha makes pure margin on its trades, where is it spending? Employee costs and customer acquisition i.e. marketing. The company has ~850 employees, and spent INR 390Cr in expenses (50% of profit). Assuming the average salary to be INR 1.5MM, that would put the total cost at ~INR 130Cr ($8MM).

Let’s say the remaining was spent on marketing, which is ~260Cr. The company went from ~100K users to ~500K users, and therefore added ~400K users. The customer acquisition cost (CAC) was therefore INR 260Cr/400K = ~INR 6,500 (or ~$100). For a customer that does 4 trades daily, i.e. 80 INR, it would take 80 days (~6500/80) to be profitable on its customer.

Zerodha, therefore, has a customer acquisition cost payback of as little as 3 months!

The real magic sauce for Zerodha, though, is its customer stickiness. Trading is a trust business, and once traders trust you, they rarely leave.

While Zerodha may have a fairly high CAC (given the value of traders), it would have a phenomenal lifetime value. Customers are likely to rarely leave, and beyond the 3-month payback mark, Zerodha makes pure profit on the customer.

It is little wonder that Zerodha has had to ever raise money.

The business has been raising capital every year from its longtime customers, through profits. Its older customers are funding the acquisition of its newer customers.

The art of bootstrapping a business to this scale is marvellous, and it is incredibly hard to do so. The real challenge for the company, though, would be continuing to add customers.

To keep growing, the company either needs to make people trade more, or add more people. This would involve a lot of market education, and add true “retail investors”. It is an interesting and challenging way ahead.

Will Zerodha be able to scale its money-making machine?

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4 years ago

Traders don’t trust Zerodha. Most people are pissed about Zerodha.

Akshay Donthi
Akshay Donthi
4 years ago

Zerodha had started educating retail investors with platform named as “Varisty’

Abhishek Rai
Abhishek Rai
4 years ago

This implies, on average, an active user does 4 trades a day. It disclosed it was doing 200 Cr ($30MM) of revenue last year, and assuming 80% of the 2MM trades are at INR 20, the company is likely at an annual run rate of 2*0.8*20*365 = 1,160 Cr ($150MM), an almost 5x jump in revenue. That can also be seen in its active user growth, which has gone up 5x as well.

This calculation is not correct. There won’t be more than 240-245 trading days in a year. The ARR will get reduced by a third then.


[…] I have been extremely optimistic about retail investing, as I had postulated in my analysis of Zerodha, and I think these factors will only contribute further to investing at a retail […]


[…] I have been extremely optimistic about retail investing, as I had postulated in my analysis of Zerodha, and I think these factors will only contribute further to investing at a retail […]

4 years ago

what is MM when you write in figures. sorry for my ignorance!

3 years ago
Reply to  Sachin

M means thousand. So MM is 1000*1000 = 1,000,000 = 1 million or 10 lakh

3 years ago

Hi I usually like your posts/articles but in this one, many of your assumptions and figures are wrong. Zerodha doesn’t charge INR 20 per trade. Equity trading with delivery is completely free. The INR 20 per trade is only on F&O. Fees for intra-day equity are also very low. Zerodha primarily earns through interest on client’s money. Traditional brokers often ask for your money only after your trade is executed. Since there is a personal relation between the broker and the client, and a margin is charged, this usually isn’t a problem. Even then, brokers always have the risk of a client not paying up. Zerodha takes your money upfront. It asks you to deposit the entire amount that is needed for buying a share, upfront. Most people deposit round figures such as ₹50000. On completion of a trade the balance is left with zerodha interest free. They have to give the money only when the client withdraws it or buys more shares.

Vani Jain
Vani Jain
3 years ago
Reply to  Yugantar

Day trading on zerodha charges INR 20

3 years ago

The company has ~850 employees, and spent INR 390Cr in expenses (50% of profit). Assuming the average salary to be INR 1.5MM, that would put the total cost at ~INR 130Cr ($8MM).

This line makes no sense whatsoever. How is 130cr = $8MM?

Aashish Pant
Aashish Pant
3 years ago

 An almost 5x jump in revenue? It should be 4x.

Aashish Pant
Aashish Pant
3 years ago

While the CAC calculation makes sense, i’m not sure if this is essentially required as Nithin repeatedly mentioned in his interviews that there is zero spend on advertising/marketing.
Can you please throw some light on what kind of marketing expenses are you talking about in your assumption here?

Al Bentley
Al Bentley
3 years ago

I think this misunderstands their business model as a commission free broker, I think they make money on margin/ cash balance/ mutual fund fees. 60% of customers won’t trade 2x per day either.

Amazing business and founders anyway 🙂


[…] bigger than Groww (by active clients), grew its active clients by around 11%, and market leader Zerodha increased its active client base by […]

2 years ago

It’s Feb-2022, and They have scaled their money-making machine. xD
